The MULTISHOWER showerhead by MOMA Design is a modular ceiling-mounted showerhead.

The MULTISHOWER showerhead represents the pinnacle of technology and customization in the area of ceiling-mounted showerheads offered by MOMA Design, which has always been able to distinguish itself in this particular field.
Made solely of Corian (standard Glacier White, but also in the many colors of Corian available), this product can literally be constructed and elaborated according to the tastes and needs of the Client.
In fact, the individual square modules can potentially be juxtaposed indefinitely, to create multifaceted showerheads of considerable size.
A MULTISHOWER showerhead instantly transforms a simple shower into a small home wellness area, where the user can relax and enjoy thanks to water and light optionals such as waterfalls, misting and perimeter LED lighting, either white or in a color therapy function.

soffione a soffitto MOMA Design in corian modello Multishower a sei moduli, con due nebulizzatori, due cascate a lama d'acqua e led perimetrale

Configuration examples:

zoom immagine esempi di configurazione per soffione MOMA Design modello Multishower



L. 200 x P. 200 mm


200 x 400 mm (2 modules) - CODE MTSH0120

400 x 400 mm (4 modules) - CODE MTSH0140

600 x 400 mm (6 modules) - CODE MTSH0360

800 x 400 mm (8 modules) - CODE MTSH0480

1000 x 400 mm (10 modules) - CODE MTSH0510


Corian Glacier White / Corian colors


White / Corian colours


Available only in fully recessed ceiling version

Provide false ceiling for electronic housing and water connections

Fixing system included


Waterfall module - WTFU

icona optional modulo cascata per soffione modello Multishower in corian di MOMA Design

Atomizer module - NBZU

icona optional modulo nebulizzatore per soffione modello Multishower in corian di MOMA Design

Perimetric white LED - LDB

icona optional LED perimetrale per soffione modello Multishower in corian di MOMA Design

Perimetric LED chromotherapy - LDC

icona optional LED perimetrale per soffione modello Multishower in corian di MOMA Design
icona optional led cromoterapia per soffioni in corian MOMA Design

DX Kit (DXKT) - control keypad - one function per button

icona optional dx kit per soffioni in corian MOMA Design


soffione a soffitto MOMA Design in corian modello Multishower a sei moduli, con due nebulizzatori, due cascate a lama d'acqua e led perimetrale

Tailor-made prestige solutions following the love for design, decor and personal well-being

soffione a soffitto MOMA Design in corian modello Multishower a sei moduli, con tre nebulizzatori e tre due cascate a lama d'acqua

Tailor-made prestige solutions following the love for design, decor and personal well-being


Fill out the form below to request more information or a quote, or contact us on +39 02


Fill out the form below to request more information or a quote, or contact us on +39 02

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